100 Americans

This is just a short post because I have a favour to ask.

When this contract is over I will be looking for another project and I have always had a desire to spend some time driving around the US getting to know the real America and Americans. While I was mulling over the possibilities and looking at a map I realised that one route would take me past the home town of an artist I admire and I began to wonder if he would be willing to let me buy him a drink. That thought evolved into who else I would like to meet as I travelled and I began to wonder what would happen if I was simply to write to a number of people I either admire, am fascinated by or would simply like to meet and ask them for a few moments of their time. What’s the worst that could happen simply by asking…they say no or don’t answer at all?

My favour is to get ideas and suggestions on who I could meet. I started my own list with the idea of getting 100 names but would be very interested in other suggestions. I don’t care if they are famous, infamous or not known at all, so long as they are interesting.

If you have a suggestion then please leave it as a comment to this blog post.

The names I have come up with so far are:

Don Rosa

The US President (whoever that may be)

Oprah Winfrey

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bill Gates

Steve Jobs

The editor of National Geographic

Lauren Graham

Billy Joel

George Lucas

Steven Hawking

Michael Jordan

Anthony Bourdain

John Lassiter

Neil Armstrong

Tom Hanks

Billy Joel

Joss Whedon

Michael Jordan

Leo Lapporte

Diane Disney

Head of Coca Cola



7 thoughts on “100 Americans

  • April 3, 2008 at 2:44 am

    Peter Raven of the Missouri Botanical Gardens. He is also on the National Geographic Board of Directors.

  • April 3, 2008 at 4:25 am

    Greg – two names come to mind from Little Rock, Arkansas. Former President Bill Clinton, whose Presidential Library is here (he has an apartment in the Library, but is probably out on the campaign trail) and Bill Valentine, the vice president in charge of operations for the Arkansas Travelers Texas League Baseball Club. Valentine has the disinction of out-promoting Bill Veck from the St. Louis Cardinals. Veck brought in a 3’7″ midget to bat in a game. Valentine one-upped him with a 3’5″ midget who got in a row with the umpire and got thrown out of the game. Bill Valentine is always in Little Rock and would be an amazing interview for you.

    We will see you on the Amsterdam May 16th sailing from Seattle to Alaska and return. Looking forward to making your acquaintence.

    Keep on writing – I love it!

  • April 3, 2008 at 8:31 pm


    If you truly want to see the real America, travel all or part of the old RT 66 http://www.historic66.com/. You’ll see the country in a unique way. As to interesting people chat with the old guy sitting with his dog on the front porch in Oklahoma or the collage student at the coffee shop in Los Angeles no one famous but you’ll be surprised how interesting the stories and dreams, some found and some not are.



  • April 7, 2008 at 11:36 am

    You should ask for a list of people who will let you stay at their homes on a cross country journey. It will allow you to see America, meet real Americans, and save money. You can stay at our home in Memphis Tennessee, see Elvis’ home of Graceland, eat some famous BBQ, drink at B.B. Kings and listen to the blues on Beale Street and we will even take you as far as St. Louis when you want to move on. Now if you can find someone to get you to Memphis and someone to host you in St Louis.

  • April 7, 2008 at 11:57 pm

    Louis (Lou) Zamperini…USC in the 30’s…ran in the ’36 Olympics…met Hitler…USAF WWII…shot down in the South Pacific…survived 53 days in a life raft, only to “rescued” by Japanese soldiers, interred in POW camps, tortured, finally liberated….family thought he was dead…returned to celebrity…lived the Hollywood high-life for a time…alcoholic, marriage crumbling…found faith, and has been lecturing, and helping people ever since. Has forgiven his captors/tormentors…don’t know if I could. Just a absolute tower of inspirational strength. Lives in Los Angeles…he was a special guest lecturer on a Celebrity Mexican Riviera where we saw him/met him in 2006. Had the pleasure of spending some time with him…one of the most interesting individuals I’ve ever come across….what stories!

    His book is a GREAT read…”Devil at my Heels”. Laura Hillenbrand (author of “Seabiscuit” is in in the process of writing a new book about him.

    BTW…yours is a great blog…really enjoy it…and this is a great idea…I’ll watch with interest for peoples’ suggestions.

    PS…Lauren Graham would be on my list, too!


  • May 26, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    If you go through Kansas City, Missouri, I’d like to buy YOU a drink! I’ve been reading your blog here and it is so interesting! You have a real way with words! Kansas City has a lot of interesting things. It is smack in the middle of the U.S. Former President Harry Truman is from the area, and there is a Truman Library and Museum here. The only World War I Museum in the United States is here in Kansas City. There is an interesting museum called the Steamboat Arabia Museum, a sidewheel steamboat that sank in the Missouri River in 1856 and has been salvaged. Different and interesting.

  • July 4, 2008 at 7:49 am

    I’m not sure where in the US (or world!) I will be when you start your trip – but I echo the sentiments of others that would love to buy you a beer.

    I’m from Connecticut, but thanks to “marrying the Navy” I move around a LOT and get to call many places “home”.

    ONE stop that I highly recommend is Bristol, Rhode Island. Do it on the 4th of July if at all possible.

    It is the nation’s longest continually running 4th of July parade – and one that is full of great “home town” charm and wonderful stories. It’s not big and glitzy – but for a sense of history and charm – it wins hands down.

    I’ll more than likely be in Virginia Beach, VA or Washington, DC next. Both of those stops are RICH in enormous amounts of history – – so if you get an invite to the White house, consider yourself invited for a good beer afterwards!


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