The Force is strong

So here I am in Chiang Mai. Having arrived with the intention of staying a month I have managed to find a nice little apartment to rent ($207 for the month including air-con and a pool), set myself up with a supply of food in the fridge so I can cook for myself for the first time in quite a while and am knuckling down to do some serious work on a few websites. I have also had my first magazine article published and am starting work on my second. But I don’t think this first post is going to be about Chiang Mai per se, more about what I did on my first day here.

I saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

Yes, I’m a Star Wars fan but I’m also a Star Trek fan so I’m a bit of an equal opportunity geek.

It was easy to get caught up in all the hype coming out of the States over this movie but the hardest thing was going for about 3 weeks without seeing a single spoiler. Somehow I managed it though and a lot of credit must go to the person who did the trailers. Contrary to normal Hollywood practice the trailers did not give away the story or any major plot points. They managed to show enough to get me really excited to see it but the twists and jaw dropping moments came as surprises to be enjoyed as they unfolded, just the way it’s meant to be.

So what’s it like? Well, for the spoiler free benefit of those who are yet to see it…it was really good. If you know me at all you will know that I just gave it some high praise indeed. I’m not sure that it would stand on its own as a single movie but it fits into the epic nature of this saga and leaves you on tenterhooks waiting for the next one. Which is probably making the Disney marketing execs rub their hands with large amounts of glee.

There will be more to come from Chiang Mai now that I am set up, stocked up and caffeined up. I really like this city and shouldn’t have too many problems finding things to write about but if there is anything you particularly are interested in then leave a comment.

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